Our Mission
We exist to equip future generations to magnify Jesus Christ by teaching them to love, seek, and obey God’s truth and to live courageously in an increasingly dark culture.
Our mission is to be a school that, by the grace of God, partners with the church and the home to train our students:
- To love God and the Gospel
- To understand, acknowledge, believe and be shaped by the authority, inerrancy, and sufficiency of God’s Word
- To understand the big picture of what God is doing in the world
- To learn to think well
- To be men and women of deep conviction
- To be men and women whose hearts, souls, imaginations and affections are stirred by what is truly wondrous and glorious – who are not satisfied with the trivialities of life
- To live lives of genuine holiness and integrity
- To understand that their work is an important part of their calling
- To be other centered and compassionate
- To have a deep concern for the lost
- To be competent in whatever field of work they choose to pursue by giving them a thorough, proficient, and robust education so that they are equipped to do excellent work for the glory of God
Doctrine and Belief
We are a ministry of the Skyline Mennonite Church which is a member of the Biblical Mennonite Alliance. We adhere to the 1963 Mennonite Confession of Faith and in regard to gender and sexuality we concur with the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
Because of our belief that the Bible is the authoritative and inerrant Word of God, and that it teaches that any sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage is wrong, and that its definition of marriage is that of one man and one woman covenanted to one another for life, we believe that any such sexual activity (that which falls outside this definition of marriage) is immoral. These activities include but are not limited to homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, premarital sex, incest, polygamy, transvestic, fornication, adultery, and prostitution. We believe that any and all of these acts and/or lifestyles are immoral. We will not admit students or hire staff who practice these acts, and any staff or students who become involved in these acts are subject to dismissal. However, we will teach and train our staff and students to acknowledge the image of God (Imago Dei) that is extrinsically present in every human being and to love even those who live lives of sexual immorality. We believe that it is possible to acknowledge and honor the dignity of every individual’s humanity while at the same time not approving of and/or agreeing with actions that some of these individuals may deem to be right and good.
Organizational Structure
The school is operated under the following chain of authority:
- Skyline Mennonite Church
- School Board
- Administrator